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Automatic Antenna System for Vehicle and Ship

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  • 1.00元/1


13798410798 0755-83203097
  • 发货地广东 广州市
  • 发货期限3天内发货
  • 供货总量1 1
  • 经营模式|制造商
  • 注册资本|300万人民币
  • 企业类型|企业单位(制造商)
  • 主营产品|全部全部
  • 公司地区|广东/广州市
  • 公司荣誉|
  • 暂无分类
本页信息为深圳市安视源电子科技有限公司为您提供的“Automatic Antenna System for Vehicle and Ship”产品信息,如您想了解更多关于“Automatic Antenna System for Vehicle and Ship”价格、型号、厂家,请联系厂家,或给厂家留言。
品牌龙视有效期至长期有效 最后更新2019-09-19 16:45

Automatic Antenna System for Vehicle and Ship

Automatic Antenna System for Vehicle and Ship Hi-Speed Network System!The latitude, longitude and relative height of the opposite end can be set.Double stepper angle adjustment via GPS electronic and compass;Fully automatic tracking fixed (upgradeable dynamic) targetReal-time horizontal pitch attitude adjustment360 degrees continuous rotation, pitch adjustment; 50 degrees / secHigh gain, high link bandwidthLightweight, miniaturizedPOE power supply, one wire connection deviceEasy to install Product DescriptionLS-D360 shipborne/airborne/vehicle moving medium intelligent spherical microwave (directional antenna) system adopts 5Hz high-speed real-time automatic attitude calculation method to realize 360-degree horizontal continuous automatic according to preset destination latitude and longitude positioning data and relative height data. Rotate and pitch attitude adjustments. By integrating high-gain antennas, high-speed network modules can be equipped to achieve high-speed, high-link bandwidth communication with remote stations, and high-definition image transmission systems can be adapted to achieve real-time stable and reliable wireless video transmission over long distances. It can be applied to the on-board, airborne, and vehicle-mounted mobile communication systems in a general-purpose environment, enabling dynamic networking and automatic tracking. Compared with the traditional omnidirectional antenna mode, it has high antenna gain, farther communication distance, and better communication transmission effect. System Characteristics5Hz high speed positioning and attitude calculation360 degree horizontal continuous rotation, automatic pitch angle adjustmentHigh-speed stepper motor system with horizontal angular accuracy of 0.24 degreesRotation speed of 50 degrees / sec, automatic acceleration start and stop operation, rejecting high speed rotation and losing step and stepGPS drift optimization algorithm for more accurate and reliable operationAdapted to 5.8G shipborne, airborne, and in-vehicle communication systems with high link bandwidth and long communication distance*The system is ready to use, easy to install and debugIP67 all weatherOptional RS232 standard serial interface, real-time status data outputSupport system custom development* Usually for the viewing transmission, the transmission link bandwidth and distance are doubled compared to the omnidirectional antenna system, and the actual transmission distance is related to the antenna erection height and environment. Main scope of application1. High-speed networking and video wireless transmission of shipborne, airborne, and vehicle-mounted mobile phones;2. Maritime patrol boat, sea police boat, law enforcement ship, boat high speed local area network;3, airborne, vehicle real-time video wireless transmission;4. Communication network or video wireless transmission of special operation vehicles such as mines, protected areas, oil fields, oil wells, terminals, ports, etc.;5. On-site video transmission of public security, security and traffic emergencies;6. Haiphong, maritime, water conservancy, civil air defense search and rescue, emergency rescue command;7. High-altitude communication balloons, drones, helicopter aerial aerial transmission;

深圳市安视源电子科技有限公司是无线微波通讯设备的专业生产厂家,以开拓创新、发展进取的精神,积极塑造民族品牌。  深圳安视源是集研发、设计、制造、营销、服务于一体的现代化科技企业,致力于通讯、安防、广电和民用产品及特种行业定制系统的整体解决方案,技术力量雄厚、专业性强、产品品种齐全,并通过ISO9001:2000国际体系认证。  公司拥有专业设计和生产经营管理经验的团队,同时具备先进的管理体制及严密的管理结构和

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公司名 深圳市安视源电子科技有限公司 经营模式制造商
注册资本300万人民币 公司注册时间2000
公司所在地广东/广州市 企业类型企业单位 (制造商)
保 证 金已缴纳 0.00
主营行业 运动休闲网 / 体育常见用品、器材
反对 0举报 0 收藏 0 打赏 0评论 0


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